Delphiniums, where to start with these majestic flowers. The vibrancy and height they bring to the spring and summer garden is pure magic.
They continue to flower right though the year only going dormant for about two months during the coldest part of the year.
Your garden varieties do self-seed so it's always a good idea not to harvest all the flowers for the vase to ensure their continuation in your garden.
Harvest the flowers when the bottom third are fully open to ensure a longer vase life. They also dry beautifully and retain their gorgeous hues.
Keep an eye out for powdery mildew which they commonly suffer from and if necessary, spray with full cream milk to keep the mildew at bay.
Botrytis can develop on the flower stems especially in a closed tunnel environment and then a systemic treatment would be needed, this is unlikely to be a problem in the garden environment.
Choose a full sunspot with good drainage and ventilation. Plant with organic matter and bonemeal for good strong root development.
Regular feeding through the summer with 2:3:4 is recommended.